12th October 2019
Acceptance of roundabout solution instead of traffic lights

Graham and Cliff Update from Graham O'Connell and Cliff Hilton:

We are very pleased to announce that Surrey County Council Highways have at last accepted our improved roundabouts design for Frimley Green as a suitable alternative to 4-way traffic lights. Hooray! It has only taken 1,460 days.

The legal agreement - which also involves the developer and the Borough Council - now needs to be amended. We have asked for a Public Meeting so that you can see the proposed design and be able to share your views before that final stage. We don't know yet just when that will be but we will be in touch as soon as we know more.

Although the technical drawings (based on our drawings) have quite a lot of detail there is still more to be discussed and agreed. We are keen to ensure that high quality, durable materials are used, that the aesthetics are taken into account and that the green is enhanced rather than damaged. Whilst we are delighted to have got to this stage, where the main battle has been won, we are not backing off yet until we are fully satisfied with every last detail.

After the legal agreement has been signed we thought it might be nice to have a small celebration on the green. We have no idea yet when that might be but let's hope it is not too far off.

Best regards,

Graham and Cliff
