15th March 2020

Petition about protecting access to MOD land

The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is proposing new bylaws affecting the MOD Land in the Aldershot and District Areas.

Whilst it’s not clear what the proposed bylaws are, the published Communications Plans indicates that there might be more restrictions in terms of public access over these lands.

As a result there is a Petition to maintain public access to MOD Land in the Aldershot and District Areas that local people might wish to sign.
Our local Councillor Paul Deach has done a lot of reporting and work on this, you can read about it in his Community Newsletters:

21/02/2020 Community Newsletter under the section
We should all be worried about this

28/02/2020 Community Newsletter under the sections
Aldershot District Area Byelaw Consultation
Access to MOD land meeting with Michael Gove MP.

06/03/2020 Community Newsletter under the sections
Access to MOD Training Areas Petition Update