14th May 2024

New Frimley Park Hospital

We are writing to update you on where we are with our plans for a new Frimley Park Hospital and are pleased to let you know that we have now identified a number of preferred sites.

The site selection process so far
Our new hospital programme team is following a comprehensive site selection process to narrow down our search, which began in summer 2023 when we first asked a specialist land agency to identify a range of potential sites. Since then we’ve used various hurdle and technical criteria (such as a sites overall ability to deliver for 2030, its access and distance from current site being less than a five mile radius) and considered feedback from our recent engagement period. This has helped rule out sites that were unsuitable and find our preferred sites.   

We are now undertaking a continued level of due diligence on our preferred sites before any further decisions can be made. Over the summer we will share the outcome of our due diligence process and take the necessary steps in securing our preferred site.  

We’ve produced a short video on our full site selection process, explaining how we used this to find preferred sites and what our next steps will be.

We remain on track to redevelop Frimley Park Hospital for 2030 and are working closely with all partners to optimise our programme plans to achieve this challenging deadline.
Find out more in our latest New Hospital Programme Newsletter
We have created a dedicated newsletter so you can find the latest updates and find out more about our site selection. In this issue we talk about:  

  • Why we need a replacement hospital
  • The site selection process to date
  • How we listened to stakeholder and public feedback
  • Frequently asked questions
Click here to view our webpage and download the latest newsletter.

We want to keep you and your colleagues informed at all stages as we build our new Frimley Park Hospital. We will continue to communicate with you regularly, and invite you to help and support us on our plans (such as the shaping of the clinical model) throughout our journey in the months and years ahead.

Please can we ask you to encourage your community and networks to sign up to receive our regular newsletters. If there is anything further we can do, such as supply content for your newsletter or website, attend any existing meetings or events you have planned, or provide more detailed briefings or presentations on our site selection process so far, please let us know via the contacts listed below. 

Further information
If you would like any further information about the new hospital programme and engagement plans, email fhft.newfphcomms@nhs.net or contact our Assistant Director of Engagement for our new hospital programme, robyn.jarrett@nhs.net

New Hospital Programme Communications and Engagement Team
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust